Golf, Gardening And Your Back

Gardening and golf season are here, and they can both bring unwanted aches and pains.   

For some people this follows a season of limited activity and mild deconditioning.  Even for those who remain active during the winter, these activities can use different muscle groups and can lead to overworked muscles resulting in pain and stiffness.  Gardening can involve heavy lifting, pushing and pulling, especially at the beginning of the season.  Additionally, people are often in sub-optimal positions for prolonged periods of time such as kneeling down and reaching forward.  Learning proper lifting techniques, better body mechanics as well as exercises to stretch tight muscle groups and strengthen postural muscles can help prevent common injuries or re-injury and help build muscle strength and endurance. 

When it comes to golf, simple warm up exercises and stretches before the activity as well as after can help prevent injuries.  Many people may not have the muscle flexibility in their hips and pelvis that they need for their golf swing and follow through.  This can contribute to increasing rotational forces in their low back which can cause pain.  A Physiotherapist can assess muscle length and flexibility and provide you with stretches to improve these areas.  They can also help you improve the strength and endurance of your core muscles which may help improve your swing and even your game!

Can You Balance On One Leg?

In a recent study out of the UK, researchers studied women aged 75-80 years old and their ability to stand on one leg to determine their risk of falling. The study found those who were unable to stand on one leg for at least 10 seconds were at a higher risk of falls and hip fractures. Hip fractures often cause serious implications in one’s personal and social life due to pain and loss of physical functioning. Most falls in those over 65 years are related to poor balance which is something that can be prevented. 

How does this relate to physiotherapy?

Our Physiotherapists are knowledgeable on a variety of balance outcome measures and exercises. Outcome measures are designed to determine where your balance compares to the average population of similar age and gender. If your balance is less than average, your Physiotherapist will be able to provide you with exercises designed to improve your balance and more importantly, help prevent any risk of falls and keep you safe.  

If interested, you can access the article in the link below:



In June 2022, Motion Plus Physiotherapy will have been part of the Guelph community for 25 years! During those 25 years, we have had the privilege of meeting and working with so many local citizens. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide you with a quality service we can stand behind. Reflecting on all that we, as a team, have learned over the years from our amazing patients, we felt it fitting to share some of that knowledge with you.

As part of our new website, we are introducing a new, bi-weekly blog to the Motion Plus community. Our aim is to share up-to-date research in the world of physiotherapy, relevant tips for healthy living, and the latest news at Motion Plus. We hope you enjoy this new feature!