At Motion Plus Physiotherapy we offer virtual care for those patients who are unable to attend in person physiotherapy sessions. Our experienced Physiotherapists can complete one on one virtual physiotherapy assessment and treatment sessions. A hybrid model of care consisting of a combination of both in person and virtual sessions is also an option. Virtual care has many benefits including positive health outcomes, decreasing in person contact if you are feeling unwell and decreasing travel time during the winter months. It is an excellent opportunity to see how you exercise and function in your home and also allows you to check-in with your Physiotherapist if needed while travelling or away at the cottage. All you need for a virtual physiotherapy session is a device with a webcam and microphone (computer, tablet or phone), an email and a private space. Your Physiotherapist will let you know what you should bring to your virtual session and can help you set up before your session.
Our virtual physiotherapy sessions are delivered through Embodia using Zoom as the underlying platform. These sessions are encrypted/protected as per Canadian privacy legislation and are PIPEDA compliant. PIPEDA refers to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
If you are interested in virtual care, please reach out to our office staff or your Physiotherapist.