Low Back Pain Not Going Away?

Do you have low back, hip or buttock pain that was not improved by conventional physiotherapy? 

You may have overactive, tight pelvic floor muscles.  If this is your issue, pelvic floor muscle contractions (kegel exercises), may not be helpful and could even make the pain worse.  Research shows that pelvic floor dysfunction including muscle weakness, pelvic organ prolapses or overactive muscles are very common, although often not talked about.  We now know that they are not normal and can be improved by physiotherapy geared specifically towards the pelvic floor muscles.  Many doctors are recognizing the benefits of pelvic health physiotherapy to help improve some of these issues and are referring people to pelvic health physiotherapy.  More recently, doctors recognize the benefits of referring patients proactively post-partum to be assessed and instructed on pelvic floor exercises to decrease the likelihood of a problem developing in the first place.  Slowly but surely, we are moving in the right direction!

For more information on pelvic floor muscle physiotherapy and conditions associated with pelvic floor dysfunction, an excellent resource is www.pelvichealthsolutions.ca

Our Physiotherapist Kendra Dundas PT provides pelvic health services at our clinic. She is in our office Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-4pm.

Kendra Dundas